Sunday, February 8, 2009

Idealistic IS Realistic

QUOTE OF THE DAY: The trouble with pragmatism is that it's completely useless.
- Sidney Morgenbesser

Political pragmatism is one of the most insidious and pernicious fallacies ever to blight the human race. Its implementation is the crippling of the self.

You have to have a vision. You have to know exactly what you want. Circumstances will force you to settle for less, so always ask for exactly what you want.

To put it in concrete terms: Let's say you want to build a skyscraper. You have to know exactly what it's going to look like before you even start building it. What do you start with? Nothing but an idea. Then, when you get land and labor, bricks and mortar, wood and metal, it still looks nothing like a skyscraper. It's going to take months to build it, and you'd better believe there are going to be problems along the way. Pragmatists look at these details and declare your skyscraper "a nice idea on paper that won't work in practice", settle for arranging the resources into a pathetic lean-to, then angrily discourage any attempts to make something more.

The ideal must be your guiding star. Without a vision, you're just wandering aimlessly.

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