When you think of the long and gloomy history of man, you will find more hideous crimes have been committed in the name of obedience than have ever been committed in the name of rebellion.
C. P. Snow
I'm not just any liberal - I'm the worst kind of liberal. I'm the liberal that even other liberals are scared of.
I am an anarchist.
Why, you ask? My logic follows:
What is the purpose of government? It seems to me that, in the broadest sense, the purpose of government is to protect us from Evil - invaders, murderers, natural disasters, et cetera.
But let's look at history: Governments actually cause more Evil than they prevent!
In Dungeons & Dragons terms, let's compare Chaotic Evil (the kind of Evil government is supposed to protect you from) and Lawful Evil (the kind of Evil that runs government). A good example of Chaotic Evil would be Charles Manson. What he did was pretty grisly, but how many people did it affect? Only a few, really. Let's compare that to the epitome of Lawful Evil, Adolf Hitler. His government-sponsored Evil was at least as bad as Manson's on a per capita basis, but he managed to do it to MILLIONS of people. Simply put, in a state of anarchy, there could BE no Hitlers, and even if anarchy produced 10 times as many Charles Mansons (which I assure you it wouldn't), that wouldn't hold a candle to one Adolf Hitler.
But, you ask, doesn't anarchy just mean mob rule? Post-invasion Iraq, post-Katrina New Orleans, that kind of thing?
NO. Mob rule is Law and Order in its purest form; there is only one true Law, and that is the Law of the Pack. When formal governments vanish, the reason so many people coalesce into mobs is because they've been trained their whole life to obey and follow. They've been trained to take orders from others rather than think for themselves.
I see things differently from other people because I have Asperger's Syndrome. I'm a non-conformist because it's neurologically impossible for me to do otherwise. I've been an outsider my whole life. I was picked on in high school. I've seen the Human Hive-Mind that most people are stuck in. That's what government is. As George Washington said, "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master."
Simply put, how do I know anarchy would work? Because I already live in a state of anarchy. Anarchy is a state of mind, wherein one lives by Leonardo da Vinci's maxim, "You can have no dominion greater or less than that over yourself." People are born good; the desire to help others, solve problems, and learn is innate to Humanity - if you can accept that, it's basically a straight line in logic to anarchism.
So, you ask, what about providing people with resources? Are you one of those people who say 'leave it all to the private sector?' NO. I'm not a Libertarian (though I am of course a libertarian) - Libertarians don't get it. They don't understand what a government is. A corporation is every bit as much a government as a nation-state. Any heirarchical organization where people try to control other people is a government. Consider the early American colonies; the government was the Virginia COMPANY - a corporation. The colony's raison d'etre was to make money. One person who gives a command plus one person who obeys the command for no reason other than that the command was given equals one tiny, short-lived, totalitarian state. In my vision, all multiperson organization must be temporary and with a specific purpose in mind. A government is like an organism - it exists simply for its own sake.
I'm not a utopian. There will be problems no matter what you do, there is no perfect society. There is no "perfect." My goal is to minimize suffering and injustice. I don't expect anarchy anytime soon - there's too much screwed up that we have to fix. But yes, I'm an idealist. I think you have to be. You have to know exactly what you want or you won't get anywhere. You have to have a vision. If you know exactly where you are and exactly where you want to be. Getting from Point A to Point B is all details.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Why I'm an anarchist
Asperger's Syndrome,
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